Reynolds Jones

Reynolds Jones was born in Petersburgh NY.  He has, at various times lived in New York City and the Capital District of New York State.

At one time a small businessman, Reynolds subsequently had a three decade career at the State University of New York, from which he is now retired.  He holds a BS, MA, and Ph.D./ABD all focused in the effects of emerging technologies on the nature of human society and work.

Reynolds is an aficionado of science fiction and fantasy, but also reads in areas like theology, spiritualism, the occult and science (yes, actually that diverse a selection).  He is a tabletop gamer who has run the same game world for 45 years and was for several years the Northeast regional co-director for the RPGA{tm}.

His first book here is Owning a Home: Without Breaking Your Bank.  His second book is the fantasy "A Tale of Two Courts.  We expect future offerings, including possibly another DIY book on a home related topic and books in the field of tabletop gaming.